The Canadian Association of Thoracic Surgeons (CATS) is dedicated to promoting a national strategy of collaborative research to further the advancement of Thoracic Surgery.
Canadian thoracic surgeons have been at the forefront of discovery since thoracic surgery evolved as an independent surgical specialty. This rich culture is being continued and expanded upon by the CATS Research Committee under the leadership of Jonathan Spicer. Current objectives include:
- To expand research and discovery opportunities to the entirety of the thoracic surgical community in Canada
- To ensure that thoracic surgeons lead scientific opportunities in thoracic and upper gastrointestinal oncology
- To increase quantity and impact of scholarly output from Canadian thoracic surgery research initiatives
Latest News
For the Canadian Surgical Forum (CSF) Research Abstracts Deadline: Visit www.canadiansurgicalforum.com
- Canadian Journal of Surgery: All accepted CSF abstracts are published annually in the Canadian Journal of Surgery.
- The top 5 abstracts will be selected for oral presentation. Authors whose abstracts are selected for oral will be asked to submit a completed manuscript one month prior to the presentation date. The top rated oral/manuscript will be published in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery after reviewer comments are addressed.
- The remaining 4 oral / manuscripts will be granted expedited peer review at the Canadian Journal of Surgery provided a completed manuscript has been duly submitted.
The CATS-CSF Poster Sessions will be held in CATS meeting room over the lunch sessions and will promote more interactive discussions.
The CATS Annual Research Meeting will be held throughout the meeting and will be an important opportunity to connect the CATS research community and foster our collaborations.