Undergraduate Learning Objectives
In collaboration with the Canadian Undergraduate Surgical Education Committee, CATS has developed national learning objectives in thoracic surgery for the undergraduate (medical student) level. These recommended objectives are intended to support a standardized nation-wide approach to teaching thoracic surgery to undifferentiated medical students, most of whom will not become thoracic surgeons, and many of whom will become general practitioners. This list is not intended to be exclusive, and individual institutions may choose to include additional objectives in their training programs. This list was generated by a review of current learning objectives at both French and English medical schools in Canada and was distributed for feedback, modification and approval to all CATS members in 2021, followed by final approval by the CATS Executive in January, 2022.
1.     The student is able to describe the presentation, diagnostic work-up, and differential diagnosis for a solitary pulmonary nodule and describe the basic management of lung cancer.

2.     The student is able to describe the presentation, differential diagnosis, investigation and basic management of esophageal cancer.

3.     The student is able to describe the presentation, differential diagnosis, investigation and management of pleural effusions including empyema.

4.     The student is able to describe the presentation, differential diagnosis, investigation and management of pneumothorax.

5.     The student is able to describe the presentation, differential diagnosis, investigation and management of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and Barrett’s esophagus.

6.     The student is able to describe the presentation, differential diagnosis, investigation and management of mediastinal mass.

7.     The student is able to describe the presentation, differential diagnosis, investigation and management of dysphagia.

8.     The student is able to describe the indications, insertion technique, and basic management of a chest tube/pigtail thoracostomy.