Past Traveling Fellowship Awardees
Year | Traveling Fellowship Award | Traveling Fellowship Awardee |
2025 | Resident - STS Meeting Travel Award (Sponsored by STS) | Hanna, Nader |
2024 | Staff - Travelling Fellowship (Sponsored by STS) | Ong, Sharon |
2024 | Resident - Travelling Fellowship (Sponsored by STS) | Huynh, Caroline |
2024 | Resident - STS Meeting Travel Award (Sponsored by STS) | Chang Qu, Linda |
2023 | Staff - Travelling Fellowship (Sponsored by STS) | Schieman, Colin |
2023 | Resident - Travelling Fellowship (Sponsored by STS) | Brophy, Shawn |
2023 | Resident - STS Meeting Travel Award (Sponsored by STS) | Gupta, Vaibhav |
2022 | Resident - Travelling Fellowship (Sponsored by STS) | Khazoom, Francois |
2022 | Staff - Travelling Fellowship (Sponsored by STS) | Villeneuve, P. James |
2021 | Resident - (Virtual) STS Meeting Travel Award (Sponsored by STS) | Al Sawalhi, Samer Jogiat, Uzair Ednie, Alexander |
2019 | Resident - STS Meeting Travel Award (Sponsored by STS) | Nayak, Rahul |
2019 | Resident - Travelling Fellowship (Sponsored by STS) | Qiabi, Mehdi |
2019 | Staff - Travelling Fellowship (Sponsored by STS) | Turner, Simon |
2018 | Staff - Travelling Fellowship | Scheiman, Colin |
2018 | Resident - Travelling Fellowship | Choi, James |
2017 | Resident - Travelling Fellowship | Cheung, Victoria |
Call for Traveling Fellowship Practicing Surgeon Applications (Partnership with STS)
Due date: March 1
The goal of this traveling fellowship is to promote interaction and learning between CATS members and STS members. The traveling fellow will visit a university-affiliated or academic practice of his/her choosing for a period of one week, under the sponsorship of a STS member at the hosting institution. The award is open to any CATS and STS member in good standing.
Conditions of Award
The award will be announced publicly at the CATS and STS meetings.
Identification of Host Department and Sponsoring Surgeon
Applicants for the traveling fellowship will identify the institution and STS member in North America who would agree to be potential host.
Fellowship Stipend
A stipend of up to $4,000 for each traveling fellow, to defray reasonable costs for economy travel, lodging, and meals. Expenses will be reimbursed by CATS upon receipt of the fellow’s written report and summary of expenses. For details, contact CATS.
Fellowship Application and Selection Process
Applicants must submit a letter outlining their plan for the fellowship as well as a copy of their curriculum vitae. Recipients will be selected by the CATS Executive Committee and the STS Canadian Director based on the submitted nominations. Nominations will be accepted for the annual award from in response to the annual call. One award is given out annually and will be presented at the annual CATS and STS meetings.
Reporting Requirement
It is expected that the recipient of the reward will submit a one-page written summary to the STS and CATS Executives. The recipient will also give a short presentation of their activities during their travelling fellowship at the STS annual meeting (Joint STS/CATS/CSCS Session) and to the CATS membership at the CATS annual meeting.
Timetable for CATS Traveling Fellowship Award
- Receipt of Applications: Before March 1 annually
- Announcement of Winner at CATS Annual Meeting: September CATS Meeting
- Announcement of CATS and CSCS Winners at STS Meeting: January STS Meeting
Please send the nomination information to:
CATS President