CATS recognizes the outstanding leadership of its members at its annual meeting held in September. Kindly review for each for deadlines.  Full descriptions, as well as the previous winners, are linked.

Lifetime Achievement AwardAt the discretion of the CATS Executive, this award is given to a CATS member who has made a lasting impact on the practice of thoracic surgerySelected by the CATS Executive Committee
Distinguished Service AwardThe CATS membership is encouraged to nominate “unsung” heroes to be recognized with this distinction.Nominations due: April 30 annually
Pearson LectureshipThis prestigious lectureship is awarded annually to a distinguished surgeon selected by the Annual Program and Executive Committees. Pearon lecturers are granted honorary CATS memberships.Selected by the CATS Executive Committee
Traveling Fellowships (Staff)The goal of this traveling fellowship is to promote interaction and learning between CATS members and the international community of general thoracic surgeons.Applications due: March 1 annually
Traveling Fellowships (Resident)The goal of this traveling fellowship is to promote interaction and learning between residents and CATS members.Applications due: March 1 annually
STS Annual Meeting Support (Residents)STS funding is available to support a CATS resident member to attend the STS annual meeting.Applications due: December 1 annually
Ginsberg Research AwardAwarded at the annual conference to the highest ranked oral presentation given by a CATS resident memberAbstract deadline: Spring annually
Duranceau Research AwardAwarded at the annual conference to the highest ranked poster presentation given by a CATS resident memberAbstract deadline: Spring annually
Invited LectureshipsLectureships at the invitation of the CATS Executive and Program CommitteesSelected by the CATS Executive Committee